My new Coach wanted me to start assess, evaluate and comment my own games. As soon as you have played a game, start immediately and do this process, because then it is still fresh in your memory.
This new approach, teaches many important aspects of mastering chess and will be a life changing experience! You basically will learn how to think like the best GM´s. Step by step your new thinking process will create a marked improvement in your game. It will also show you how to dissect a position, recognize it´s individual parts and ultimately that conforms to the needs of that particular situation. This new thought process will be your new system that makes advanced strategies seem clear, logical and at times even obvious.
Some examples of what you will learn is:
Threats, Captures, Checks
Good/ Bad Pieces
Improving The Pieces
Good/ Bad Pawn structures
Improving The Pawn Structure
Pawn Islands
Weak Squares
Space Advantage
King Safety
Finding a Plan
Stopping Your Opponent´s Plan
Finding the Right Move To Play
Etc, etc....
You will see your future and old games in a totally NEW LIGHT and it will be a LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE!
Below is my first implementation of my coach´s idea